Wednesday, November 30, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving

During the month of November, I tweeted something I was thankful for each day.  Here is the list:

Day 1:  Amazing Grace

Day 2:  A Godly Mother

Day 3: Romans 8:28 .. out of a mess, He brings good!

Day 4: The Word of God... which is alive and active... never ends... leads, guides, comforts, encourages, enlightens and so much more!

Day 5: My sweet husband... no doubt God made us for each other!  

Day 6: My church home... a pastor who preaches the Word with boldness and truth.... a worship leader who knows worship is more than music... a youth pastor who raises the bar... a family of believers who pray and love on each other... a place we can be real... God is at work there and I consider it a privilege and blessing to be a part of it.

Day 7: His mercies are new every morning... Great is His Faithfulness!!!!  

Day 8: the freedom & privilege to VOTE!  &  Day 9: Nature... fall leaves, spring flowers, summer warmth, crisp winter days

Day 10:  Thankful for my daugher, Katherine.  She is my heart...  beautiful inside and out with the most amazing smile! 

Day 11: Thankful for son, Luke.  He is my sunshine... brings music to my life... has taught me what true worship is.

Day 12: Thankful for many sisters in Christ who love & encourage... & provide accountability. 

Day 13: Thankful for a Daddy who loved me unconditionally... supported me... prayed for me ... I miss him so!

Day 14: Thankful for peace in the midst of craziness (another word for life) .... HIS peace.... the only True Peace there is!  

Day 15: Thankful for Emergency Responders who treated my mother with dignity and respect... and for Hospital staff who are doing the same. 

Day 16: Jesus Paid it ALL!

Day 17: Thankful (again) for my mom.. what a blessing to watch her smile through the past few days.. share Jesus with medical staff... and praise Him in the midst of rough circumstances!

Day 18: Thankful I don't have to do life in my own strength, instead my strength come from the Lord! 

Day 19: Thankful for a warm bed and cozy home... praying for the many who do not have the basic comforts I take for granted. 

 Day 20: Thankful for God's provision from shelter & food.. to strength & peace.. He never fails to give me whatever I need!  

Day 21:  Thankful for the beauty of nature... God is the master artist!

Day 22: Thankful for my senses that allow me to enjoy God's creation.

Day 23: Thankful for Rest.. not just physical rest, but true rest... resting in the Lord!

Day 24: "He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him."  Ps 103:10-11

Day 25:  My 3 "big" brothers... God gave me a biological brother, a half-brother & a heart brother to love. 

Day 26: My Nieces & Nephews... I have a slew all over the US... OR, OK, TX, NJ, NC, MS, LA... & love them all!

Day 27: “Look, I am coming soon! ... I am the Alpha & the Omega, the First & the Last, the Beginning & the End." Rev. 22:12-13 

Day 28: Warm clothing. Quilts. Heat. Shelter. Many spend winter in the cold shivering while I take for granted warmth

Day 29: Thankful that I do not have to walk this journey alone... Never will He leave me! Couldn't make it a step without Him!

Day 30: Thankful that 30 days of Thanksgiving is the absolute tiniest tip of the iceberg. My thankful for list goes on forever!

If you would like to follow me on twitter, my account is @Barbara914