Sunday, December 30, 2012


We are not one of those families who put Christmas up Thanksgiving night and take it down at Epiphany.  Nothing wrong with that.. just not our way.  When I was growing up, the tree went up the first day I was out of school for Christmas Break and it went down the last day I was home before returning to school.  My husband's family did much the same except the tree went down on New Year's Eve.  So we have a tradition here of putting it up around the 15th of December and taking it down New Year's Eve.  

This year it went up a bit early... first weekend in December. And it came down early... earlier than I wanted.. Dec. 27.  The boys were ready to have it gone! I got shots of the interior decorations, but not the exterior (which we awesome as usual).  No one forewarned me of the de-Christmassing of the house.  I went to work one morning with twinkle lights all around and came home to boxes ready to be stored away.  

Here is how the inside looked....

A small sampling of the nutcrackers my husband has collected over the years. Our kids gave him Sherlock a year ago with the new SH movie (a fave here) and the mouse king is one of him most special nutcrackers.. a gift from our daughter when she was a preteen. 

I love anything to do with snowmen or snow, so I love this nutcracker. Bought the Believe sign last year after Christmas on sale!  Had forgotten about it, so it was a new treat when we opened the decoration boxes this year.

A couple of shots of our kitchen table decked out for the season. 

One more... shows the view out the bay window... our lovely big ole Magnolia tree.

I also love love love sleigh bells!  Hubby found these last year and bought a ton (OK not a ton, but a whole lot!)  I love how they look in the trifle bowl.

And here is a close up of the plate settings. We were given these plates last year.. hand-me-downs.  Aren't they cute!  I used them for a Ladies Event at church this year.  Very cute!

The dining room table... which is normally sewing central for me.  It gets to dress up and show out during the holidays!

Hubby collects vintage ornaments. Many in the center bowl came from his mom and dad... memories of the Christmas trees of his youth.  The long tear shaped ones are from my great aunt.  

Dining room place setting. Our folks gave us Christmas china for several years when we were first married until we had a complete set including plates and cups for wee ones.  The glass plates on top came from my in-laws. I love the swirled edging on them.. it mirrors the Christmas china.  And the stem ware is nothing fancy... Oneida Chantilly Rose from the 50s. It was my folks "good silver".  I remember pulling out the brown wooden case and setting the table with it when we had special company or a holiday. We have that case now and use it fairly often.  Memories and family are a big deals here!

Piano in dining room.. yep, piano in dining room. We have 3 in the house, so we put them where ever we can find a spot!  This one was my grandmother's.. the first piano I ever played.  

Nativity... same set up as always... cannot imagine it in any other spot in the house.  Sometimes I see newer nicer ones and think how they would look here, but then I think Nope... we have a great one. We bought this one with Christmas money from our in-laws the year I was pregnant with younger child.  Our older one was 3.  So neither one remembers a Christmas without this nativity.  And yes, I know the wisemen were not there that night. I feel certain God is ok with them being with our nativity. Oh.. and the angel always goes on the shelf above.  :-)

Last but not least, the tree. (Notice another piano.. this one was my mom-in-laws pride and joy).  Our tree is not fancy.. not all coordinated and planned. There is an ornament for each of our 2 kids for every Christmas they have been alive.  Those are my absolute favorite ornaments!  Years ago when we had 10 or so, I would say "One day these will fill the tree!"  Well the kids are now 20 and 24... that's a lot of ornaments and they pretty much do fill the tree!  And again.. I LOVE IT!  Every ornament on that tree has a story or memory behind it.  Even the topper, which was a gift from my husband last year. (Isn't it great!)  This tree represents our family... our friends... our lives... Love... Grace... Joy...and that, to me, is what Christmas is all about!

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