Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dachshund Fever

When I was a little girl we had large dogs... pitt bulls to be exact. Let me quickly say that raised correctly, they are very sweet dogs.. extremely protective and loyal, but sweet.  Our last pitt died when I was 9.  I am the only girl and the baby of the bunch, so my mother declared... No more big dogs!  My dad set out to find the perfect little house dog for me.  A friend raised dachshunds and had a litter on the way, so Dad decided I would have a wiener dog. He had no idea what he was starting. I am not sure whose addiction to these wild hot dogs was greatest... mine or his.  They are not perfect dogs.. not hardly!  They are stubborn and the males tend to be very territorial and horrible barkers.  But oh my... they are too cute and soo very sweet and I just adore them.

So it is probably no surprise that my husband bought these for me...

Let me quickly add that while he will adamantly deny it, he has gotten just as hooked on our 2 dachies as I am!

We have a male and female... Mac and Mia... I have talked about them before and, no doubt, will talk about them again.  I tend to post photos of Mac, because Miss Mia is difficult to catch on camera.  But I did get a few shots of her recently.

Mia is exactly what I wanted in dog temperament.  She is laid back... low maintenance... she loves to cuddle up in your lap and sleep.  All you have to do is feed her and give her belly rubs and she is one happy pups.

Here she is bird watching through the bedroom window...

Here is a rare close up.

She is intently watching her brother try to catch a mosquito hawk.  She has the softest silkiest longest hair!  I love it.. but it gets knots even if we brush it daily! And of course her collar is pink.. with flowers!

Here she is waiting for a belly rub. Mia will just roll over on the floor and wait for someone to come along and give her a rub!

I love Miss Amelia Louise... she does my heart good!

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